We DO NOT accept returns.
To be eligible for a refund, we require a proof of purchase in the form of your order number and you must cancel your order before your device(s) are shipped.
Refunds are available if applicable.
If your KōchPro device is damaged, meaning your device is scratched or bent; you may be eligible for a replacement. We offer replacements for damaged devices with photo proof within 48 hours of delivery. You may be required to ship the damaged device to us.
If your KōchPro device is defected, meaning you are having trouble programming your device or your device is not working after it has been programmed, you may be eligible for a replacement or refund. Typically, all issues can be resolved with guidance from our support team.
In the unfortunate event your device is defected due to software malfunction or our support team cannot help resolve your issue and you would like to request a refund or replacement, please email our support team at Due to the fact that we test each device before shipping, you may be required to ship the defected device to us for inspection to determine your refund eligibility. Once approved for a refund, we will send you an email notifying you that we have refunded your purchase. Your refund will then be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to the original method of payment, within 2-7 days.
KōchPro devices that are adhesive and does not adhere well to a case or phone qualifies you for a replacement device, not a refund. You may be required to ship the device to us.
To review our full return and refund policy, please click here.